Here's a large collection of stories about people seeing UFOs, of coming into contact with UFOs, and being abducted by UFOs. They come from news stories, from personal written accounts, from transcriptions. They make up the meat of the whole UFO phenomenon; people talking about being involved with UFOs on a deep personal level.
Filename | Size | Description of the Textfile10best.ufo | 5146 | The 10 Most Compelling UFO Cases in History
| abct1&2.ufo | 18048 | Hudson Valley NY UFO Abductions (June 1, 1988)
| abduct1.ufo | 7299 | Recounting of a UFO Abduction in the Hudson Valley, 1988
| abduct2.ufo | 11139 | Another UFA Abduction along Highway I-84 in New York, 1984
| abductee.ufo | 3435 | AP News Story on Abduction in Waltham, 1988
| abmatter.ufo | 5202 | UFO Abductions: Beyond Matter? Don Sudduth, Nov. 26, 1989
| alien.txt | 8135 | Descriptions of Various Aliens that have come into Contact with Humans
| alki.ufo | 4096 | UFO Sighting Report, West Seattle, Washington, March 13, 1988
| anti-abd.txt | 6051 | Alien Abduction Countermeasures Part 1 by Robert Parish
| apr89.txt | 4480 | April 1989 UFO Reports
| archives.ufo | 3342 | UFO Source Information: The Canadian Government Archives (January 3, 1990)
| arnprior.ufo | 11697 | UFO encounter near Ottawa, Canada - AUG/1979
| austrlia.ufo | 659 | Adelaide, Australia UFO Sighting, 1988
| bbun1.txt | 7206 | Blue Book Unknown Sightings, Part 1
| bbun2.txt | 28003 | Chronological Collection of UFO Sightings
| bbun3.txt | 26527 | Additional Chronological Collection of UFO Sightings
| bbun4.txt | 27260 | Blue Book Unknown Sightings, Part 4
| bbun5.txt | 8488 | Blue Book Unknown Sightings, Part 5
| bbun6.txt | 16477 | Blue Book Unknown Sightings, Part 6
| bbun7.txt | 26642 | Blue Book Unknown Sightings, Part 7
| bbun8.txt | 27705 | Blue Book Unknown Sightings, Part 8
| belle527.ufo | 2944 | UFO Sighting in Belleville, Wisconson
| bellevil.ufo | 1924 | AP Newswire story on a Belleville Aire Force Base sighting
| boys.ufo | 18337 | An Unusual CE-III UFO Report from the Bangor Naval Submarine Base, Aug. 1987
| bsmith.ufo | 10107 | Recounting of a UFO Experience by Byron Smith of Arkansas
| burns.ufo | 1491 | A UFO Sighting from March 22th 1989
| chron87.ufo | 4569 | Chronology of UFO Reports for Late Summer, 1987
| chron88.ufo | 6098 | Chronology of UFO Reports, January-April 1988
| circle.ufo | 3199 | Scientists Record Flashes as Mystery Circles Form in English Cornfields
| cirvis.ufo | 4228 | Communication Instructions for Reporting Vital Intelligence Sightings from Aircraft (CIRVIS)
| close.ufo | 11642 | Close Encounter on Interstate 84, by Phillip J. Imbrogno
| cloud.ufo | 4526 | Mysterious Light Reported, AP Newswire, August 13, 1986
| ctflash.ufo | 686 | Flashes in Sky Attributed to Weather, AP Newswire, Nov. 1987
| ds.ufo | 967 | UFO Report near Edwards AFB
| eriedb.ufo | 23992 | Eastlake UFO Reported by National Guard
| ethics.ufo | 26719 | Ethical implications of the UFO Abduction Phenomenon by Budd Hopkins
| fawcettann.ufo | 6248 | Announcement from George Faucett about Worldwide UFO Sightings being on the Increase
| feb89.txt | 3712 | UFO Reports (February 1989)
| fileplot.ufo | 936 | Odd lot of "Worldwide Abductions"
| fyffe2.ufo | 1418 | AP Newswire story on 1989 Fyffe UFO Sightings
| fyffe3.ufo | 2205 | Fiffe, Alabama UFO Sightings: Verbatim Transcript WBMG Action News, Birmingham, Alabama
| fyffeala.ufo | 1943 | Fyffe Alabama UFO sightings
| gb89ja30.ufo | 2023 | Researchers say photos show UFO in Gulf Breeze, FL
| gbsent89.ufo | 10477 | UFO Sighted over Gulf Breeze, Again?
| girls.ufo | 6458 | Unusual Report of a UFO and a Green-Faced Entity Seen Near an Old USAF NIKE Missile Base, 1988
| gulf1.ufo | 2339 | Article that accompanied UFO Shots in Golf Breezes Sentinel
| gulfbrz1.ufo | 3786 | UFO Group Fascinated by Gulf Breezes Sightings
| hudson.ufo | 16935 | Abductions in the Hudson Valley Area of New York, by Philip J. Imbrogno
| hynek.txt | 4550 | The HYNEK Sighting Report Classifications (Classifying Extraterrestrial Visits)
| hynek.ufo | 2997 | Overview of the Hynek Rating System (For UFO Sightings)
| jan90.txt | 3584 | UFO Viewings of January 1990
| jaqvals.txt | 4782 | The Reality of UFO Abductions, by Jacques Vallee
| jul0347.asc | 2764 | More Flying Saucers Reported, Army Experts Puzzled
| jul89.txt | 2944 | UFO Sightings, July 1989
| kingston.ufo | 2700 | A Partial History of UFOs in the Kingston, Ontario Area
| kirtlnd1doc.ufo | 5314 | FOIA Files: Kirkland Air Force Base, Alleged Sighting of Unidentified Aerial Lights in Restricted Test Range
| lakeerie.ufo | 11111 | Sightings of UFOs near Cleveland, 1988
| lucedale.ufo | 1486 | UFOs sighted near Lucedale, Mississippi, 1988
| mar89.txt | 2560 | March 1989 UFO Reports
| marys.ufo | 1656 | Mary Geest, Co-Sysop of the Darkside, recounts her Sighting
| may89.txt | 3584 | Collection of UFO Sightings from May 1989
| mufon89.txt | 39748 | UFO Reports: 1989
| nasa.ufo | 2730 | Apollo Program UFO Sighting from 1960's Comes to Light, Washington State MUFON, March 21, 1988
| nasa1.ufo | 26930 | Compilation of Material relating to NASA and Sightings by Astronauts of UFOs
| norwalk3.ufo | 5290 | Recent Sightings in Norwalk probably a star, Experts say.
| nov89.txt | 1920 | UFO Reports for November, 1989
| oak.ufo | 7209 | UFO Sighting Report, 1985
| oct89.txt | 5376 | List of October 1989 UFO Reports
| police.ufo | 1045 | Lincoln Police Officer reports UFO Sighting, turns out to be Blimp
| rchester.ufo | 1469 | David Chana reports a UFO Sighting in Webster, NY
| rhodbt1.ufo | 64515 | Various BBS Messages about UFO Sightings
| rhodbt2.ufo | 21507 | Various BBS Messages about UFO Sightings
| saskufo.ufo | 7936 | Saskatchewan, 1933: UFO Stops for "Repairs"
| saturn4b.ufo | 2698 | Apollo Program UFO Sighting from 1960's Come tot Light
| saturn5b.ufo | 4089 | The NASA Apollo-Saturn Rocket Test Launch UFO Sighting
| seattle.ufo | 1777 | UFO Sighting in West Seattle, Washington, March 5, 1988
| sep89.txt | 3072 | UFO Reports from September 1989
| strieber.ufo | 4619 | Abductions Reporting: Associated Press August, 1987
| telaviv.ufo | 726 | Report of Sightings in Tel Aviv, Israel
| tiru1.ufo | 5145 | Report of a Multiple Military Witness Sighting that Occurred Onboard the Submarine USS Tiru in 1966
| ufogirls.ufo | 2705 | These poor women keep getting abducted!
| ufoncs19.txt | 7725 | Doctor Says Aliens Took Her on UFO by David A. Maurer of The Progress
| ussrsat.ufo | 1639 | Fiery Soviet Space Debris Lights Up Night Sky
| |