
This is the home page of Sökaren, an excellent magazine for avid truth seekers, entirely in the Swedish language.

In Sökaren we write about very important topics, such as new thoughts about man and the universe, discoveries of the human potential, parapsychology and its importance for our world view, the reincarnation question, out-of-the-body and near-death experiences, UFO-reports and research, and many New Age ideas.

We have written about such thinkers and pioneers as Richard M. Bucke and cosmic consciousness, Paul Davies, Amit Goswami, Fred Alan Wolf och their thoughts about the nature of the universe, F. C. Happold and mysticism, Aldous Huxley and the perennial philosophy, Nick Pope and the aliens question, Helen Shucman and the Course in Miracles, Ian Stevenson and the reincarnation question, Olga Kharitidi och shamanism, Roberto Assagioli and psychosynthesis, Fritjof Capra, David Bohm, Harold Saxton Burr, Abraham Maslow, Peter Russell, Willis Harman, Pitirim A. Sorokin, Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, and David Spangler...

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Dowsing along the psi-track.

A parapsychological experiment by Professor Martin Johnson.

The Swedish miracle man Olle Jönsson.

Erland Lagerroth: Who are the misleaders?

Sai Baba exposed

Some external links:

Swedish Association for New Physics.

Parapsychological research in Gothenburg, Sweden.

Right Livelihood Foundation

Have Swedish psi-researchers discovered something very important - a repeatable experiment?

Dowsing along the psi-track

When a person concentrates vividly on a physical object in his surroundings, a "psi-track" seems to be established to the object. This track can be detected by dowsing.

What is a thought? An idea or a mental image, which appears in a mind and perhaps leads to action? Yes, that might be the answer. But, the notion that thought may have an extension in the surrounding space, may be something concrete och measurable, does not belong to our usual ideas about how the world is structured. But Swedish parapsychological experiments suggest that that may actually be the case.

The discovery of the psi-track

It is now (1997) ten years since the so-called psi-track was discovered. The psi-track is the measurable track of a directed thought.

Since the first experiment was done, some Swedish researchers have performed a series of experiments, which have been internationally published. Dr. Nils O. Jacobson and Dr. Jens A. Tellefsen wrote a report which won the first price in a parapsychological contest in England and was subsequently published in one of the leading parapsychological journals, the English Journal of the Society for Psychical Research, January 1994.

In Sweden, the first full-size book about the experiments with the psi-track has been published. It is written by Göte Andersson, a painter, who originally discovered the psi-track.

One day in 1987, when Göte visited his father, Arthur Andersson, he asked him to try to detect the human aura around himself by means of a dowsing rod. He had read in a magazine that this could actually be done. Arthur, who is an experienced dowser, thought the idea was crazy but did what Göte wanted him to do, and to his own surprise, he obtained a strong reaction with the dowsing rod around Göte.

Göte then concentrated his thoughts on a chair some meters in front of him, and since he is an artist, he has a very good mental image-seeing ability. He then asked Arthur to walk around the chair with his dowsing rod. To Arthur's amazement, the divining rod reacted strongly around the chair, and, even stranger, Arthur found that with the help of the dowsing rod, a distinct "track" of deflection could be followed in the space all the way between Göte and the chair.

In that way, as far as we know, the first psi-track was discovered.

Scientific experiments

Göte became immensely interested in this discovery and, during several years, he devoted much time to researching the psi-track together with several experienced local dowsers, and he found that the phenomenon repeated itself over and over again and seemed to follow certain basic laws. He realized that he had found a hitherto unknown anomalous phenomenon and wanted it to be scientifically investigated. With this aim in mind he contacted Jens A. Tellefsen, a physicist and associate professor at the Royal Institute of Technology (Tekniska Högskolan) in Stockholm. Later, Nils O. Jacobson was also contacted and attached himself to the research project. He is a psychiatrist with a very good knowledge of parapsychology. Together with Jens's wife, Kristina Anjou, they studied scientifically the psi-track for an extended length of time.

The experiments have mostly been done outdoors with the help of dowsing rods, which have shown to be excellent instruments in order to find the psi-tracks. In order to facilitate the experimental procedure they preferred to work over large areas, for instance on fields of at least about 100 x 100 meters, which, before the experiments, had been carefully checked by dowsing for water veins, electric cables and other, possibly disturbing structures.

The participants in the simplest of these (single-blind) experiments have the following tasks.

One person, "the sender", chooses a spot as the "sending place" and then hides a chosen target object within a reasonable distance (20 to 100 meters) from the sending place. Standing in the sending place, he makes a strong mental concentration on the target object. This, supposedly, creates the psi-track. He will tell noboby about his choice of target and walks away from the research area. A dowser now begins to look for the track. He or she works slowly in small circles around the sending place, and, when the dowser gets the usual reaction from his rod, the spot is clearly marked. The dowser will then continue to walk around the sending place in successively larger circles and, when the markings in the circles form a linear track in some direction, the dowser begins to walk in a zigzag way over this track. Through the reactions he gets, it is then possible to follow the psi-track, mostly straight forward toward the hidden object. When the dowser is not getting any reaction at all, the track ends and the target is mostly found.

When performed in this way, with the indicated procedure, it is a very striking experience for those who are witnessing the whole thing.

Experiments with the psi-tracks can be done in slightly different ways, not necessarily with exactly the same protocol as described above. The results are usually the same. In some experiments, an assistant takes part in the experiment and hides the target object, whereupon the sender, who does not know the location of the target, creates the psi-track by concentration on the object. In other experiments the same person may act both as sender and dowser. This is the prerequisite for a number of double-blind experiments which have been performed.

It must be stated that these experiments are so designed that absolutely no traces can be found on the ground from the feet of the sender or the assistant and leading i some obvious way to the hidden object.

Of 40 double-blind experiments, at six different occations during a three year period, in 32 cases, the researchers succeded within a span of about half an hour to find the hidden objects. As the object is very small, for instance a rock crystal in a field of 100 x 100 meters size or more, the result is remarkable, to say the least. Is this the first repeatable psi-experiment in history? No one knows, but the experimenters are eagerly waiting for others to replicate their results.

The psi-track procedure can be used in real-life situations, for instance to find lost objects or to locate animals or people who have gone astray in deep forests.

Here are two examples of very many, of an anecdotal nature.

At Skäggebol estate in the district of Värmland, a certain weed hoe had been lost since the summer of 1990. In August 1991, Göte decided to try to find it with his method. Mrs Gertrud Holm, who sometimes helps in the office at the farm, has some experience of dowsing, but had not earlier tried the psi-track method. She was even sceptical of it, but, anyhow, agreed to give it a try.

Göte acted as sender, and Gertrud with her dowsing rod detected a possible psi-track, which was duly marked by sticks. The track went directly behind the huge barn of the estate. There the hoe was found among high-growing stinging nettles, about 100 metres from the sending place.

On 13th December, 1992, Mr and Mrs Anders and Berith Lindgren were out deep in a forest hunting with some friends. During the hunt, their dog run away and disappeared. They searched for the dog until late at night, and also the two following days. On 16th December, they enlisted the dowser Leif Andersson's help. Leif had at this time been extensively working with Göte and the researchers.

Someone thought that he had earlier heard barkings coming from a certain hill in the forest, so this was chosen as the first sending place. Anders and Berith each made one sending, from different places on the hill. The psi-tracks were detected in the unusal way by Leif and marked on a map. The tracks were found to point in the north-east direction, towards a small lake in the forest, about two kilometers from the hunting place. The group started to search the forest. During the search, three more sendings were made by Berith with the resultant tracks also pointing in the direction of the lake. At this point, the searching had to be interrupted as it was getting dark.

On their way home, Anders made two additional sendings from the road, east and north of the lake. Here again, the psi-tracks pointed to the lake.

The next day, Berith and an uncle of hers went directly to the small lake. Near the edge of the shore they found the body of the dog in the water. Apparently, it had gone through the thin ice that covered the lake on 13th December, and subsequently drowned in the struggle to survive.

Sources of this article are a report by Nils O. Jacobson and Jens A. Tellefsen in the Journal of the Society for Psychical Research, January 1994 (49 Marloes Road, London, W 8 6LA) and an article in Sökaren magazine, 3, 1994, written by Elisabet Broomé, Kristina Anjou, and Jens A. Tellefesen, Jr.

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