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Shamansk healing Svensk (PDF format)
och spöbollar Svensk PDF format
Erotica tarot. (PDF format Svensk) 728 Kb
Konst.... (html Svensk)
kompletta guiden till sexmagi (PDF Svensk) 571 kb
häxkonst och trolldom (PDF Svensk) 460 kb
Tao Of Martial Art, (PDF Svensk) 1,12 MG
(PDFSvensk)349 Kb
(PDF Svensk) 260 Kb
(PDF Svensk) 132 Kb
Okey, jag
vill starta ett "lånekort"....
Night magick (html format) By Phillip D. Williams
MAGICS, by Pete Carroll
Kabbala & Kliffot (html format Svensk)
The Greater Key of Solomon Part 1
The Greater Key of Solomon Part 2
The Greater Key of Solomon Part 3
The Lesser Key of Solomon (Legemeton I) (Goetia)
The Lesser Key of Solomon (Legemeton II) (Teurgia- Goetia)
Ars Paulina (Legemeton III)
Ars Almadel (Legemeton IV)
Ars Nova (Legemeton V)
Ars Notoria
Grimoire of Armadel
Grimoirum Verum
Other Grimoires
Arbatel of Magic
The Black Raven - Johannes Faust
Sword of Moses
The Black Pullett
Secret Grimoire of Turiel
The Sacred
Magick of Abramelin the Mage
The Sacred Magic of Abramelin the Mage Book 1
The Sacred Magic of Abramelin the Mage Book 2
The Sacred Magic of Abramelin the Mage Book 3
The Necronomicon - Simon Version
Necronomicon Spell Book - Simon Version
The Necronomicon - (Wilson-Hay-Turner-Langford Version)
The R'lyeh Text - (Wilson-Hay-Turner)
The Secret Book of Artephius
The Golden Chain of Homer
An Open Entrance to the Closed Palace of the King
Twelve Keys
Six Keys of Eudoxos
Golden Tractate of Hermes Trismegistus
The Hermetic Arcanum
Alchemy Ancient and Modern
The Alchemy Key
A Treatis on The Great Art
The Philosopher's Stone
Chaos Magick
Phil Hine - Oven-ready Chaos
Phil Hine - Permutations
Phil Hine - Group explorations in ego magic
Phil Hine - Aspects of Evocation
Apikorsus (The Lincoln Order Of Neuromancers' chainbook PDF'ed by Borce
Theatre of Magick (Ray Sherwin's long out-of-print classic from 1982)
Liber KKK (Chaos Magick) - Peter Carroll
Liber 31 by Frater Achad ( Thelema) geocities/kundal/
The Invocation of Horus Light (Thelema Ritual) geocities/kundal/
The Golden Topaz of Radiant Light (Thelema Ritual) geocities/kundal/
Liber CLXXXV (Liber Collegii Sancti) arcadiaesoterica.it
Liber CDLXXIV (Liber Os Abysmi vel Daath) arcadiaesoterica.it
Liber CCCCXVIII (The Vision and the Voice) arcadiaesoterica.it
The Equinox
Equinox Part 1 (Large Download)
Equinox Part 2 (Large Download)
Equinox Part 3 (Large Download)
Equinox Part 4 (Large Download)
Equinox Part 5 (Large Download)
Equinox Part 6 (Large Download)
Equinox Part 7 (Large Download)
Equinox Part 8 (Large Download)
Equinox Part 9 (Large Download)
Equinox Part 10 (Large Download)
The Blue
Equinox geocities.com/tanzendstern93
Rituals of
the Societas Rosicrucianis in Anglia geocities.com
The Chymical Wedding geocities/kundal/
The Rosicrucian Manifestoes geocities/kundal/
Myth, Religion, Afterlife, and Magick
The Egyptian Book of the Dead (W.E. Budge translation.)
Egyptian Myth and Legend (Donald MacKenzie)
The Egyptian Heaven and Hell (W.E. Budge translation.)
The Book of Am-Tuat (W.E. Budge translation.)
The Book of Gates (W.E. Budge translation.)
Okey, jag
vill starta ett "lånekort"....
A History of the Tarot (Dame Gabby)
The Continental Tarot (Christine Payne-Towler)
What is the Tarot? (Ouspenpsky)
The Tarot (S.L. MacGregor-Mathers)
The Pictorial Key to the Tarot (A.E. Waite)
A French Method of Cartomancy (A.E. Waite)
An Introduction to the Study of the Tarot (Paul Foster Case)
The Book of Thoth (Aleister Crowley)
The Egyptian Revival or the Ever-Coming Son in the Light of the Tarot
(Frater Achad)
Oracle of the Tarot geocities/kundal/
The Dictionary / Glossary for the Grade of Aspirant (0=0)
Occult Glossary
Other writings
The Emerald Tablet of Hermes Trismegistus geocities/lqairah2/.com
The Hermetic Arcanum geocities/lqairah2/.com
The Golden Tractate of Hermes Trismegistus geocities/lqairah2/.com
Testament of Solomon
The Book of Enoch
A Manual Of Occultism
The 32Paths of Wisdom geocities/kundal/
The Life Power geocities/kundal/
Shiva Samhita (Yoga and more) geocities/kundal/
The Golden Bough sacredspiral.com
Austin Spare's Book of Pleasure rosenoire.org
The Hatha Yoga Pradipika geocities.com
The Bahir geocities.com
Dream Yoga and the Practice of Natural Light - Namkhai Norbu Rinpoche
The Path of Kabbalah - Michael Laitman kabbala.info
The Cloud Upon the Sanctuary adepti.com
The Malleus Maleficarum malleusmaleficarum.org
Occult Philosophy Book I
Occult Philosophy Book II
Occult Philosophy Book III
Occult Philosophy Book IV
Of Geomancy
Elipas Levi
Dogma et Rituel de la Haute Magie Part I
Dogma et Rituel de la Haute Magie Part II
The Key to the Mysteries
Elements of the Qabalah
The Magical Ritual of the Sanctum Regnum
A Beginners Guide to Crowley bkwyrm.net
Magick in Theory and Practice private.org
Magick in Theory and Practice Another Link
Book of the Law occultebooks.com
Book Four
Liber 777
Sepher Sephiroth
Eight Lectures on Yoga
Liber 84 - Chanouk
The Book of Lies
Heart of the Master
Berashith (Aleister Crowley) geocities/kundal/
Liber I (Liber B vel Magi) starofisis.org
Liber II (The Message of the Master Therion) starofisis.org
Liber III (Liber III vel Jugorum) starofisis.org
Liber V (Liber V vel Reguli) alexandriavirtual.com.br
Liber VI (Liber O vel Manus et Sagittae) dnsalias.com
Liber IX (Liber E vel Exercitiorium) dnsalias.com
Liber X (Liber Porta Lucis) starofisis.org
Liber XIII (Liber Graduum Montis Abiegni) dnsalias.com
Liber XXX (Liber Librae) starofisis.org
Liber XVI (Liber Turris vel Domus Dei) ordoaa.org
Liber XLI (Thien Tao)
Liber LVIII (The Qabalah)
Liber XCV (The Wake World)
Liber CXLVIII (The Soldier and the Hunchback)
Liber CCXXXI (Liber Arcanorum)
Liber CD (Liber Tau vel Kabbalae Trium Literarum)
Liber CDXII (Liber A vel Armorum) ordoaa.org
Liber LXV (Liber Cordis Cincti Serpente) starofisis.org
Liber CVI (Concerning Death) starofisis.org
Liber DCCC (Liber Samekh)
Liber CCCCXVIII (The Vision and the Voice) arcadiaesoterica.it
Liber XXV (The Star Ruby) alexandriavirtual.com.br
Liber XXXVI (The Star Sapphire) alexandriavirtual.com.br
Liber XLIV (The Mass of the Phoenix) horrormasters.com
Liber LXVII (The Sword of Song) outercol.org
Liber LXXVIII (On the Tarot) private.org
Liber CL (The Law of Liberty) sigils.org
Liber CLVII (The Tao Teh King) templodetototh.hpg.ig.com
Liber DCLXXI (Liber DCLXXI vel Pyramidos) alexandriavirtual.com.br
Liber MMCMXI (A Note on Genesis) bambinidisatana.com
Okey, jag
vill starta ett "lånekort"....
Franz Bardon
Franz Bardon
Initiation into Hermetics bardon.freespeechsite.com
The Key to the True Quabbalah bardon.freespeechsite.com
The Golden Book of Wisdom fragment of Bardon's lost 4th book bardon.freespeechsite.com
The Practice of Magical Evocation 4.9 MB!
into Hermetics alexandriavirtual.com Another Site to try.
Into Hermetics geocities/lqairah3/.com
The Key To The True Quabbalah geocities/lqairah3/.com
The Golden Book Of Wisdom- fragment of Bardon's lost 4th book geocities/lqairah2/.com
Israel Regardie
The Art of True Healing
The Philosopher's Stone
Art and Meaning of Magick (Isreal Regardie)
John Dee
The Hierogyphic Monad
Mysteriorum, Liber Primus
Mysteriorum, Liber Secundus
Mysteriorum, Liber Tertius
Notes to Liber Primus john-dee.org
The Essential Skills of Magick
A Short Course in Scrying
Enochian Magick Reference
The Enochian Calls
The Book of Seniors
Supplement to Sepher Sephiroth Sect. 1
Supplement to Sepher Sephiroth Sect. 2
Godzilla Meets ET
Enochian Temples
The Lower Temple
Consecration of the Fire Temple
Summoning Cacodemons
Generating the Abyss Experience
Analysis of the First Key
Enochian Ritual of the Heptagram
Enochian Ritual of the Hexagram
The Lotus of the Temple
The Beast and the Star
Charging an Enochian Tablet
Enochian Initiatory Workings
The Enochian Hierarchy
Phil Hine
Aspects of Evocation
Group Exploration in Ego Magick
Oven-Ready Chaos
Running Magical Workshops
Techniques of Modern Shamanism vol. 1
Techniques of Modern Shamanism vol. 2
Techniques of Modern Shamanism vol. 3
Apikorsus (The Lincoln Order Of Neuromancers' chainbook PDF'ed by Borce
Anton LaVey
The Satanic Bible - Anton LaVey electricgod.co.uk
The Satanic Rituals - Anton LaVey electricgod.co.uk
A.E. Waite
The Book of Ceremonial Magic
The Pictorial Key to the Tarot
A French Method of Cartomancy
The Pictorial Symbols of Alchemy
The Templar Orders in Freemasonry
Some Deeper aspects of Masonic Symbolism
Ordo RR et AC www.geocities.com
W.W. Westcott
An Introduction to the Study of the Kabalah
History Lecture - Golden Dawn
The Chaldean Oracles
Sepher Yetzirah
Everburing Lamps of the Ancients
Peter de
Heptameron - Peter de Albano Another Link
Dion Fortune
The Mystical Qabala
Psychic Self Defense
The Secrets of Dr. Taverner
Max Heindel
Ancient and Modern Initiation
The Rosicrucian Mysteries
Message of the Stars
Etheric Vision and What It Reveals
Teachings of An Initiate
Okey, jag
vill starta ett "lånekort"....
The Kaballah Unveiled by S.L. McGregor Mathers
Summoning SPIRITS
JFC Fuller
The Secret Wisdom of the Qabalah
Austin Spare
The Anethema of Zos
A Book of Satyrs
The Logomachy of Zos
The Zoetic Grimoire of Zos
The Focus of Life
Austin Spare's Book of Pleasure rosenoire.org
Gerard Cremonensis
On Astrological Geomancy
Robert Anton
Prometheus Rising tpdada.art.pl
Magick Mirrors
Seership & the making and use of magic mirrors- P.B Randolph geocities/qairah6/.com
A Short Course in Scrying
Astral Projection
Out of Body Experiences: How to Have Them And What to Expect
Black Mass
by Aubrey Melech
Missa Niger : La Messe Noire - The Black Mass - (Rare historic account
of the infamous "Black Mass".
At The Mountains
Of Madness
The Call of Cthulhu
The Crawling Chaos
The Dream Quest of Unknown Kadath
The Nameless City
The Haunter Of The Dark
The Shadow Out of Time
Ancient Egypt
Egyptian Myth and Legend (PDF- 466 KB) by Donald MacKenzie
The Egyptian Book of the Dead (PDF - 1192 KB) W.E. Budge trans.
The Egyptian Heaven and Hell (PDF - 219 KB) W.E. Budge trans.
The Book of Am-Tuat (PDF - 203 KB) W.E. Budge trans.
Legends of the Gods (PDF - 670 KB) W.E. Budge trans.
The Book of Gates (PDF - 216 KB) W.E. Budge trans.
The Emerald Tablets of Hermes (PDF - 53 KB) .
Corpus Hermetica (PDF- 126 KB)
Corpus Hermetica - Mead translation (PDF -99 KB)
The Book of Enoch (PDF-1015 KB) smaller edition Less intro etc.) (PDF-192
Kebra Nagast: The Queen of Sheba and Her Only Son Menyelek (PDF -841 KB)
W.E. Budge trans.
Testament of Solomon (PDF - 155 KB) translated by Conybeare
The Gospel of Thomas (PDF - 155 KB) translated by Conybeare
Islam and
Quran (PDF -2461 KB)
The Mystics of Islam (PDF-566 KB) by Reynold A. Nicholson
The Tawasin of Manusr Al-Hallaj (PDF-397 KB)
(Older Works)
Sepher Yetirah (Book of Formations)
Sepher Yetzirah
(PDF - 142 KB) W.W. Westcott trans.
Sefer Ha-Yetzirah (PDF- 92 KB) Aryeh Kaplan trans.
Sefer Ha-Zohar
(Book of Splendour)
Kabala Denutdata (PDF -446 KB) S.L. Macregor Mathers trans.
Idra Rabba Qadusha (PDF-209 KB) Greater Assembly
Idra Zuta Qadusha (PDF - 163 KB) Lesser Assembly
Sifra Detzniyutha (PDF -310 KB) Book of Secrets
Other Works
The Bahir (PDF- 368 KB) Aryeh Kaplan translation.
Sepher Raziel (PDF - 182 KB)
The_Guide_for_the_Perplexed (PDF - 1542 KB) by Moses Maimonides
Okey, jag
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The Secret Book of Artephius (PDF - 37 KB)
The Golden Chain of Homer (PDF - 77 KB) by Anton Josef Kirchweger
An Open Entrance to the Closed Palace of the King (PDF -81 KB) by an Anonymous
Sage and Lover of Truth
Twelve Keys (PDF -70 KB) by Basil Valentine
Six Keys of Eudoxos (PDF - 27 KB) anonymous
Golden Tractate of Hermes Trismegistus (PDF - 26 KB) Anonymous
Triumphanl_Chariot of Antimony (PDF - 470 KB) by Basil Valentine
The Hermetic Arcanum (PDF - 265 KB) anonymous
Rosicrucian_Secrets (PDF - 1450 KB) allegedly by John Dee
Alchemy Ancient and Modern (PDF - 369 KB) by Herbert Stanley Redgrove
The Alchemy Key (PDF - 6706 KB) by Stuart Nettleton
A Treatis on The Great Art (PDF - 1999 KB) by Stuart Nettleton
The Philosopher's Stone (PDF -610 KB) by Israel Regardie
Solomonic Grimoires
The Greater
Key of Solomon Part 1 (PDF -521 KB)
The Greater Key of Solomon Part 2 (PDF -492 KB)
The Greater Key of Solomon Part 3 (PDF-557 KB)
The Lesser Key of Solomon (Legemeton I) (Goetia) (PDF - 1002 KB) other
verison (PDF - 616 KB)
The Lesser Key of Solomon (Legemeton II) (Teurgia- Goetia) (PDF -920 KB)
Ars Paulina (Legemeton III) (PDF -350 KB)
Ars Almadel (Legemeton IV) (PDF-96 KB)
Ars Nova (Legemeton V) (PDF-103 KB)
Ars Notoria (PDF -985 KB)
Grimoire of Armadel (PDF 1,355 Bytes)
Grimoirum Verum (PDF -184 KB)
Okey, jag
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The Abramelin
The Sacred Magic of Abramelin the Mage Book 1 (PDF -529 KB)
The Sacred Magic of Abramelin the Mage Book 2 (PDF -486 KB)
The Sacred Magic of Abramelin the Mage Book 3 (PDF -599 KB)
Various Grimoires
Arbatel of Magic (PDF-254 KB)
Heptameron by Peter de Abano (PDF-251 KB)
The Grand Grimoire (PDF-779 KB) Other version (PDF-860 KB)
The Black Raven - Johannes Faust (PDF-185 KB)
Grimoire of Honorius (PDF - 471 KB)
Sword of Moses (PDF- 99 KB)
The Black Pullett (PDF- 315 KB)
Secret Grimoire of Turiel (PDF- 352 KB)
Libellus Magicus (PDF- 221 KB)
The Arte Of Drawing Spirits Into Crystals (PDF - 111 KB)
Occult Philosophy Book I (PDF-715 KB)
Occult Philosophy Book II (PDF -467 KB)
Occult Philosophy Book III (PDF -1344 KB)
Occult Philosophy Book IV (PDF-252 KB)
Of Geomancy (PDF -474 KB)
John Dee:
John Dee (PDF - 1720 KB) by Charlotte Fell-Smith
The Hierogyphic Monad (PDF - 531 KB)
Mysteriorum, Liber Primus (PDF - 336 KB)
Mysteriorum, Liber Secundus (PDF - 531 KB)
Mysteriorum, Liber Tertius (PDF - 406 KB)
William Lilly:
Christian Astrology Book 1 (Zipped Word File: 260 KB)
Christian Astrology Book 2 (Zipped Word File 4022 KB)
The Rosicrucian Manifestos: Fama Fraternitatas and Confessio Fraternitatas
(PDF -318 KB)
The Chymical Wedding of Christian Rosenkreutz (PDF-547 KB)
Secret Symbols of the Rosicrucians (PDF - 162 KB)
Man, His True Nature and Ministry - Louis-Claude de Saint Martin (PDF-2390
Theosophic Correspondence between de Saint Martin and Kirchberger, Baron
de Liebistorf (PDF - 1138 KB)
Martinist Order of Unknown Philosopers - More Martinst e-books
Heaven and Hell (PDF -1128 KB) by Emmanuel Swedenborg
The Marriage of Heaven and Hell (PDF -119 KB) by William Blake
Swedenborg Blake and the Sexual Basis of Spiritual Vision (PDF -793 KB)
A History of the Tarot (PDF - 752 KB) by Dame Gabby
The Continental Tarot (PDF - 301 KB) by Christine Payne-Towler
A What is the Tarot? (PDF) by Ouspenpsky
The Tarot (PDF) by S.L. MacGregor-Mathers
The Pictorial Key to the Tarot (PDF - 2242 KB) by A.E. Waite
An Introduction to the Study of the Tarot (PDF) by Paul Foster Case
The Book of Thoth (PDF) Aleister Crowley
The Egyptian Revival or the Ever-Coming Son in the Light of the Tarot
(PDF) by Frater Achad
A French Method of Cartomancy (PDF) by A.E. Waite
On Astrological Geomancy (PDF) by Gerard Cremonensis
Of Geomancy (PDF) by Cornelius Agrippa
Okey, jag
vill starta ett "lånekort"....
Astral Projection:
Out of Body Experiences: How to Have Them And What to Expect (PDF - 458
KB) by Robert Peterson
Occult Texts
A Manual Of Occultism (PDF - 965 KB) by Sephariel
Kybalion (PDF - 264 KB) by The Three Initiates
Occult Fiction:
Zanoni - (PDF 886 Byest) Lord E. G. Bulwer-Lytton
Nightmare Tales (PDF - 230 KB) by H.P. Blavatsky
Brother of the Third Degree (PDF- 490 KB) by Will L. Garver, 1894
The Case of Charles Dexter Ward (PDF - 551 KB) by - H.P. Lovecraft
The Secrets of Dr. Taverner (PDF -720 KB) by Dion Fortune
Mystic Classsics:
The Divine Comedy (PDF - 1474 KB) by Dante
The Cloud Upon The Sanctuary (PDF - 985 KB) by Eckartshausen
The Dark Night of the Soul (PDF - 262 KB) by Saint John of the Cross
Spiritual Guide (PDF - 732 KB) by Molinus
The Devil's Dictionary (PDF - 368 KB) by Ambrose Bierce
The Doors of Perception (PDF - 264 KB) by Aldous Huxley
The The Lives of the Necromancers (PDF - 500 KB) by William Godwin
Bhagavad Gita (PDF - 325 KB) Other version (PDF -373 KB)
Brahma Sutras (PDF -812 KB) by Sri Swami Sivananda
Lord Shiva and His Worship (PDF -495 KB) by Sri Swami Sivananda
Lord Krishna, His Lilas and Teachings (PDF -812 KB) by Sri Swami Sivananda
Tao_te_Ching (PDF -186 KB)
Foundations of Taoist Practice (PDF -54 KB) by Jampa MacKenzie Stewart
Dhammapada (PDF -215 KB)
The Diamond Sutra (PDF - 228 KB)
The Light of Asia (PDF - 6564 KB)
Confucian Canon (PDF -1163 KB)
Hatha Yoga Pradipika (PDF -319 KB)
Kundalini Yoga (PDF -812 KB) by Sri Swami Sivananda
Thought Power (PDF -261 KB) yazan Sri Swami Sivananda
Essence of Yoga (PDF - 337 KB) by Sri Swami Sivananda
Easy Steps to Yoga (PDF - 565 KB) by Sri Swami Sivananda
Practical Lessons in Yoga (PDF - 465 KB) by Sri Swami Sivananda
The Science of Pranayama (PDF - 766 KB) by Sri Swami Sivananda
Lectures on Raja Yoga (PDF - 271 KB) by Sri Swami Chidananda
Fouteen Lessons in Yoga Philosophy and Oriental Occultism (PDF -571 KB)
by Yogi Ramacharaka
The Hindu Yogi Science of Breath (PDF -190 KB) by Yogi Ramacharaka
Nature's Finer Forces (PDF 392 KB) by Rama Prasad
Dream Yoga and the Practice of Natural Light (PDF 175 KB) by Namkhai Norbu
Mme. Helena
Petrovna Blavatsky:
The Secret Doctrine I Cosmogenesis (PDF - 1310 KB)
The Secret Doctrine II Anthropogenesis (PDF - 1578 KB)
The Key to Theosophy (PDF -406 KB)
Studies in Occultism (PDF - 418 KB)
Nightmare Tales (PDF -230 KB)
Okey, jag
vill starta ett "lånekort"....
A_Modern_Revival_of_Ancient_Wisdom (PDF - 607 KB) by Alvin Boyde Kuhn
Occult Chemistry (PDF -14.362 KB Warning: Downloading can take hours)
by Leadbeater ve Besant
Clairvoyance - (PDF - 24 KB) by Chartles W. Leadbeater
Mahatma_Letters_Nos_1_thru_25 - (PDF - 607 KB) by Sinnett
Alice Bailey:
Initiation Human and Solar (Word doc - 450 KB)
Light of the Soul (Word doc - 752 KB)
Telepathy and the Etheric Vehicle (PDF - 551 KB)
Letters on Occult Meditation (Word doc - 714 KB)
Rudolph Steiner:
A Knowledge of the Higher Worlds (Word doc - 361 KB)
The Philosophy of Spritual Activity (Word doc - 446 KB)
Max Heindel:
Ancient and Modern Initiation (PDF - 213 KB)
The Rosicrucian Mysteries (PDF - 254 KB)
Message of the Stars (PDF - 891 KB)
Etheric Vision and What It Reveals (PDF - 124 KB)
Teachings of An Initiate (PDF - 196 KB)
Gerald Massey:
Gerald Massey's Lectures (PDF -2107 KB)
Elipas Levi:
Dogma et Rituel de la Haute Magie Part I (PDF -1094 KB)
Dogma et Rituel de la Haute Magie Part II (PDF -1926 KB)
The Key to the Mysteries (PDF -501 KB)
Elements of the Qabalah (/PDF -497 KB)
The Magical Ritual of the Sanctum Regnum (/PDF -106 KB)
Paschal Beverly
Seership: Guide to Soul Sight & The Magic Mirror and How to Use It
(/PDF -259 KB)
Okey, jag
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Book T (99 KB PDF)
Schem_ha-Mephoresh (342MB PDF)
The Book of the Black Serpent (125 KB PDF)
W.W. Westcott:
An Introduction to the Kabalah (PDF)
History Lecture - Golden Dawn (PDF)
The Chaldean Oracles (PDF -97 KB) trans.
Sepher Yetzirah (PDF) trans.
Everburing Lamps of the Ancients (PDF - 26 KB)
Numbers_-_Their_Occult_Power_and_Mystic_Virtues (PDF - 821 KB)
S.L. MacGregor
The Tarot (PDF - 184 KB)
Okey, jag
vill starta ett "lånekort"....
A.E. Waite:
The Book of Ceremonial Magic (PDF -4784 KB)
The Pictorial Key to the Tarot (PDF - 2242 KB)
A French Method of Cartomancy (PDF - 52 KB)
The Pictorial Symbols of Alchemy (PDF-1255 KB)
The Templar Orders in Freemasonry (PDF - 106 KB)
Some Deeper aspects of Masonic Symbolism (PDF - 113 KB)
William Butler
Rosa Alchemica (PDF -33 KB)
Dion Fortune:
The Mystical Qabala (PDF -717 KB)
Psychic Self Defense (PDF -990 Bayt)
The Machinary of the Mind (PDF -214 KB)
The Secrets of Dr. Taverner (PDF -719 KB)
Okey, jag
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Fuller, J.F.C.
The Secret Wisdom of the Qabalah (PDF - 2037 KB)
Israel Regardie:
The Art and Meaning of Magick (PDF -506 KB)
The Art of True Healing (PDF -160 KB)
The Philosopher's Stone (PDF -610 KB)
Frater Achad:
The QBL or the Brides Reception (PDF -1497 KB)
Anatomy of the Body of God (PDF -1482 KB)
The Egyptian Revival or the Ever-Coming Son in the Light of the Tarot
(PDF -258 KB)
31 Hymns to the Star Goddess (PDF -164 KB)
Liber 31 (PDF -233 KB)
The Chalice of Ecstasy (PDF -300 KB)
Crystal Vision (PDF 270 KB)
Okey, jag
vill starta ett "lånekort"....
Austin Osman
The Anethema of Zos (PDF - 208 KB)
A Book of Satyrs (PDF - 1443 KB)
The Logomachy of Zos (PDF - 522 KB)
The Zoetic Grimoire of Zos (PDF- 327 KB)
The Focus of Life (PDF - 1549 KB)
The_Book_of_Pleasure (PDF - 108 KB)
Okey, jag
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The Essential Skills of Magick (PDF -166 KB)
A Short Course in Scrying (PDF - 120 KB)
Supplement to Sepher Sephiroth Sect. 1 (PDF - 89 KB)
Supplement to Sepher Sephiroth Sect. 2 (PDF -89 KB)
Comselha (PDF - 185 KB)
Enochian Magick Reference (PDF -922 KB)
The Enochian Calls (PDF -135 KB)
The Book of Seniors (PDF _544 KB)
Godzilla Meets ET (PDF -321 KB)
Enochian_Temples_- Lower Temple (PDF -14 KB)
Enochian_Temples (PDF -42 KB)
Enochian Temples: Analysis of the First Enochian Key (PDF - 8 KB)
Enochian Temples: A Ritual for the Consecration of the Temple of the Fire
Tablet (PDF -37 KB)
Enochian Temples: Invoking_the Cacodemons with the Temple (PDF -11 KB)
Enochian Temples: Generating the Abyss_Experience with the Temple (PDF
-13 KB)
Enochian_Hexagram_Ritual (PDF -25 KB)
Ritual of the Heptagram (PDF - 13 KB)
Lotus_of_the_Temple (PDF - 16 KB)
Beast and the Star (PDF - 34 KB)
Charging an Enochian Tablet (PDF - 4 KB)
Okey, jag
vill starta ett "lånekort"....
Ariadia, or a Gospel of the Witches (PDF - 140 KB) (1899) by Charles L.
The Witchcult in Western Europe (PDF - 477 KB) by Margaret Aice Murray
The God of the Witches (PDF - 250 KB) by Margaret Aice Murray
Witchcraft Today (PDF - 404 KB) by Gerald B. Gardner
The Garnerian Book of Shadows (PDF - 269 KB) by Gerald B. Gardner
Alexandrian Book of Shadows (PDF - 758 KB)
8 Sabbats of Witchcraft (PDF - 94 KB) by Mike Nichols
Mastering Witchcraft (PDF - 1294 KB) by Paul Huson
The Basics of Magick (PDF - 89 KB) by Amber K
The Malleus Maleficarum PDF - 89 KB) (1486), translated by Montague Summers
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